Welcome to the personal blog of Michael C. Daconta

Welcome! On this website I will keep you up to date on the many eclectic projects I am working on.  Besides my books and software, I will occasionally post essays, reviews and stories here.  Thanks for stopping by!

Latest News    (updated: 10/08/2024 )

What is the LLM Ecosystem?:  Is this an API Landgrab by OpenAI?

Apple Intelligence is Intent-Driven Computing:  Apple makes a bold leap towards "Intent-Driven" Computing and "Semantic AI"!

Where AI is Heading:  Predicting and exploring three emerging trends in Artificial Intelligence!

Lazy Programmers: Chapter 5 and Appendices

New ChatGPT Article: Ask ChatGPT About Yourself!

ChatGPT Fail: Hallucinating in Code Generation is Dangerous and Unacceptable!

How to Stop Disinformation: Lessons from 9/11:  Understand "Accredited Information" and the Information Production Process!

LazyProgrammers: Chapter 4:  The Ugly

Lazy Programmers: Chapter 3 (Part 3):  The Bad

Lazy Programmers: Chapter 3 (Part 2):  The Bad

Lazy Programmers: Chapter 3 (Part 1):  The Bad

LazyProgrammers: Chapter 2:  The Good

LazyProgrammers: Front Matter and Chapter 1:  Introduction

New Technical Book is Out!:  Lazy Programmers: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Article:   A Layman’s Explanation of Google vs. Oracle and Why It Matters : Part 1 – What is an API?

The Philosophy of Intentional Living Launch and Kindle Promotion

NEW BOOK: The Philosophy of Intentional Living!:  Release, Summary and Errata Page!

Microsoft Cloud Migration Assessment is a good start!

How the "Get Me A Rock" Game taught my son about Requirements Analysis

How to Use Knowledge Modeling to Answer Non-Trivial Questions:  How do you answer seemingly simple questions like "What is the Best <X>?" 

Answers On Quora.com

Beyond Cancer: A new chapter in my life:  March is Colorectal Awareness Month!

CityDesk runs On Windows 10!:  I am amazed it works!

Fun with Garage Band!

Security Classification Markings For Dummies: A guide for Democrats and Republicans

EzKb Installer for Windows:  Install the Easy Knowledge Base Editor (EzKb) Today!

Three Track Fun with Audacity:  Third production attempt ... now with multiple tracks of audio!

C Pointers and Dynamic Memory Management - Now Open Sourced!:  A project to both open source and relook my first book!

New Book is Finished!:  Learn how to migrate your applications to the cloud!

The Great Cloud Migration:  The definitive guide to application migration to the cloud!

January 2013 Update:  New blogs, New book and more!

Updated Book Information As Product - New pricing too!

Starting a New Position:  My goal is Perfecting the Science of Information Management and Cloud Computing!

The "Reality Check" Articles:  A column that gives you the "real" story behind the technology hype!

The Vista Out of Box Experience: BSOD in the first hour!:  File this under "You must be freaking kidding me!"

Leopard's unstable so where's Apple's apology to Microsoft?

Information As Product: Introduction and Chapter 1 posted!:  Learn the 4C's of an Information Product!

DAMA conference Presentation: Effective Metadata Design:  What was all the buzz about?

Technical Writing For Profit - Don't do it!:  The reality and rules for writing technical books by someone who knows.

The Semantics of Music Libraries - Part 1:  iTunes Caddy is a new application I am working on!

Announcement: Awarded United States Patent 7299408! :  My first patent, in conjunction with Mark Oliphant, on an Electronic Mortgage Validation Engine (rules based)!

Information As Product Book Introduction:  Learn why the book is called "Information As Product"!

Press/Reviews on my new book:  See what other people are saying!

"IAP" Book Audio Excerpt on Publisher Website:  Hear why I wrote this new book!

Announce: [Open Source Project] Information As Product Metadata Database (IAP MDB)

Forthcoming Book: Information As Product:  How to Deliver the Right Information, to the Right Person, At the Right Time!

Repeal the flawed Virginia Abusive Driver Law:  Our Prince William County Delegate leads the way!

Junior Olympics 2007:  My Kids Kick It in California!!

The Lost Manual: From Qwerty To Dvorak in 5 Days!:  Improve your typing and prevent Carpal Tunnel!!!!

C Pointers - Chapter 1 Open Sourced!!:  Contact me to work on the forthcoming commercial version of this open source book!

Karaoke!:  Old Karaoke songs transferred from tapes!

Suggested Upper Merged Ontology links updated!:  SUMO is a robust example of an upper ontology.

Book Review (Part 1) of "Does It Matter?":  After the Dot Com Orgy, Nicholas Carr's smarmy "confessional" tells us that "sex is bad".

C Pointers - Front Matter and Introduction:  Learn how my writing career started!

NetBeans and Employee Data Integration:  At Oberon we "eat our own data management dogfood"!!

Johnny Cash Tribute:  Check out the "guitar-thumping" drums on this one!

Peaceful Easy Feeling Cover - Now with Drums!:  Audacity and HammerHead team up for a new production...

Upcoming Speaking Schedule:  I hope to see you at one of these upcoming conferences!

Open Source Book: EDM Issue #2:  How do you differentiate a Collection of things from a Class of things?

[New]: Application Metadata

Quest for Matisse Blog:  Genealogy trace back to the artist Henri Matisse

Mad World Cover Song via Donnie Darko Inspiration:  Take two on song production...Hope you like it!

Artistic Diversion: Lagos Drawing #1

Open Source Book: Effective Data Modeling Topic #1

New Presentation and Article:  The New "Face" of Information Sharing!

Oberon Theme Song and Metadata:  Esprit de corps!

United 93: A Must-See Movie:  This important movie will help you to "never forget".

Metadata Types:  A project to list and define all the various metadata types.

New Blog: Practical Metadata:  A real-time description of work in the metadata, information sharing and enterprise data management trenches.

ITTC 2006 and Start of Semantic Web 2nd Edition:  Learn what I thought the best presentation was at ITTC 2006. Also news on upcoming conferences and the start of my 11th book.

Biometrics in the Movie "The Island":  Facial recognition in public spaces!

Upcoming Speaking Engagements:  Hear me discuss Enterprise Data Architecture, Biometrics and the Data Reference Model!

Biometrics in the Movie Stealth:  Science Fiction or Reality?

Joining the Oberon Team!:  Oberon has a unique corporate culture!

Recent Events:  A running log of events...

Site Restoration

Government Computer News (GCN.com):  Would Henri Matisse be proud?

Semantic Web Book News! :  A guide to the future of XML, Web Services and Knowledge Management

What is possible with the Semantic Web (humor)

Information Discovery on the hit TV show "24":  Does CTU "get" the Semantic Web?

Fair and Balanced Viewpoint:  Should Apple recall the Dual-USB iBook?

New Article for Enterprise Architect Magazine!:  How the Smart Data Continuum impacts the enterprise!

The Semantic Web and Human Nature:  Is the semantic web against human nature?

The Semantic Web, eGov and Homeland Security - Updated 9/15/2003

New Article on Document-based Web Services!:  Do you use 1-click web-service creation?  Find out why that is not a good idea ...

Semantic Web Book - Introduction

New language translation news

More Java Pitfalls has been released!

Most Popular Topics 

Ten Rules for a Successful IT Career

Tell me what else you would like to see here.  As the site grows, I will update this with your favorites!