For my birthday, I asked for a guitar midi device to plug into the new Intel Macintosh I will be purchasing for Christmas (have not decided yet whether I will get an iMac or a Mac Pro)! (Cannot wait!!!) Since I am the impatient type (have to work on that...), I decided to post another .mp3 song of a guitar tabbed version of "Mad World" which is the ending song in the movie Donnie Darko. (Note: I think most of the liner comments about this movie are horrible and don't accurately describe the genius behind this. If you get the original DVD you must watch the alternate/deleted scenes). Boy, cannot do enough recommending here. First of all, the movie Donnie Darko is awesome. It is a deep, sci-fi thriller about divine intervention and time travel. I liked it so much I also asked for the Director's cut DVD for my birthday. The end of the movie is a soulful song called "Mad World" that happens to fit the theme of the movie perfectly. However, another interesting point about this song is that it is originally a Tears for Fears song from the album the Hurting (which I am also buying for my birthday ... notice a theme here? Yes, I still get excited about Birthdays!). The Tears for Fears version is faster than the Gary Jules version on the soundtrack. I like both versions so I downloaded the tab and found it to be a very simple song. Here is my acoustic version of the song. I can't wait to get my new mac, midi-device and the program "garage band" to improve these productions. Miles to go before I sleep... ;^)
Experiment #1:
Cut a new version using my Fender stratacoustic. Additionally I changed the microphone position to bring out the voice a little more. Slightly different sound ... let me know which version you prefer. Stratacoustic version is here. Note: plan on experimenting more with this in terms of speed, drum-rolls, synthesizer, etc. Note2: this song is (c) 1983 by Tears for Fears and used here under fair use law (i.e. I don't intend to make money off this and I support the band by buying their CD).