Forthcoming Book: Information As Product

How to Deliver the Right Information, to the Right Person, At the Right Time!

Are you drowning in data, yet thirsting for Information?

Information As Product:

     How to Deliver the Right Information,

                             to the Right Person,

                             At the Right Time

                                       By Michael C. Daconta

                                            Former Metadata Program Manager,

                                                Dept. of Homeland Security


                                            Chief, Enterprise Data Management,

                                                Oberon Associates, Inc.


Over 5 years in the making and gleaned from his real-world experience leading the Metadata Center of Excellence for the Department of Homeland Security, Mike Daconta delivers a new book that sets the bar for Data and Information Management in leading Organizations!

Here is what this breakthrough book covers:

·         Chapter One: Why Information Production – this chapter provides the core justification for formalizing the information production process.  It also introduces and explains the 4C’s of an Information Product: Consumer, Context, Catalog and Content. 

·         Chapter Two: Data and Information – this chapter clearly distinguishes data from information. Additionally it distinguishes both from knowledge and wisdom. 

·         Chapter Three: The Information Product – this is the central chapter of the book that defines an information product both conceptually and technically.  To do this we follow a physical product analogy. 

·         Chapter Four: The Information Catalog – this chapter describes how to create and populate a metadata catalog.  Before exploring the catalog implementation, the concept of metadata is demystified. 

·         Chapter Five: The Information Production Process – this chapter introduces the information supply chain as analogous to the physical product supply chain.  The chapter closes with a real-world case study.

·         Chapter Six: Strategic Information Delivery – this chapter focuses on the application of information products to achieve “rightness” along three specific axes: information, person and time.   

·         Conclusion - this section completes the book by envisioning the result of a robust information production process: individual empowerment via real-time relevance. 

·         Appendix A: Effective Metadata Design – this appendix enables technical managers to differentiate between good and bad metadata designs.  It walks through seven methods for describing data. 

·         Appendix B: The Evolution of Data – this appendix describes the history and future of data representation and is adapted from an article I wrote for Enterprise Architect magazine. 

Pricing and Availability: The book is available for $42.95 at all major retailers and will be released around November 1st, 2007.


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