The Semantic Web, eGov and Homeland Security - Updated 9/15/2003

Semantic Web technologies are spearheading the Government's efforts for information integration, application interoperability and asymmetric search! 

  • September 8th, 2003 Semantic Technologies for E-Gov Workshop
    From the agenda ...

    The presentation and handout were very popular and generated tremendous excitement.  The momentum for semantic web technologies is clearly building amongst government agencies.

    White House Conference Center, Truman Room, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • 8:30 - Welcome and Logistics - Brand Niemann, Chair, CIO Council's Web Services Working Group.
    8: 45 - Keynote. The Semantic Web and DOD's Virtual Knowledge Base (VKB). Michael Daconta, Chief Architect on DOD's VKB and senior author of "The Semantic Web: A Guide to the Future of XML, Web Services, and Knowledge Management" (Wiley Technology Publishing, May 2003). Presentation, Demonstrations, and Discussion.

    Additional information available at

  • eGov 2003.  The emerging Semantic Web and its Benefits for Homeland Security.  Here is a pdf file of the presentation.  More information on this on the conferences page.

  • More to follow...